

Why are vestigial proof of evolution?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Evidence, not proof. Scientists do not prove things.

Your coccyx for one bit of evidence, This is the " stump " of a vestigial tail that is now used for another purpose in humans; to help with sitting. Sometimes this tail does grow out in child development. This is evidence of the concept of evolutionary common ancestry.

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Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

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Vestigial organs is the term referring to useless organs left from evolution.

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Why are vestigial organs important in the concept of evolution?

Vestigial organs provide evidence of evolutionary history, as they are remnants of structures that had a function in ancestors but are no longer needed in present-day organisms. They demonstrate how organisms have evolved over time to adapt to changing environments and challenges. Studying vestigial organs helps scientists understand the process of evolution and how species have diverged from common ancestors.

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Vestigial structure

Some snakes have vestigial legs Why is this considered evidence for evolution?

Because it shows that that species' ancestors walked on legs, but due to evolution their legs are no longer needed and recede over generations.

Are flippers of seal vestigial organs?

No. Vestigial organs are organs that were previously useful to an animal, but, even though they are no longer useful, remain because evolution hasn't taken them away yet. Seals still use flippers.

What types of evidence do scientists use to support evolution?

Fossils, D.N.A., vestigial organs or structure, same structure diffrent function.