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The volcanoes in the Andes are generally fed by very viscous, gas-rich magma. The gas is kept dissolved in the magma under enormous pressure. When the magma is close enough to the surface the lower pressure allows the gasses to come out of solution violently. This is what makes these eruptions explosive.

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Q: Why are volcanoes in the Andes so violent?
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How many volcanoes are in the Andes?

there are 50 volcanoes

Are there volcanoes in the Amazon?

No. Howevere, there are volcanoes in the Andes to the west of the Amazon.

Are the Andes still volcanically active?

Yes. There are a number of active volcanoes in the Andes.

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The Andes Mountains The Andes Mountains The Andes Mountains

What volcanoes are in the Andes?

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What natural phenomena are the Andes noted for?

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Are there many volcanoes in the Andes mountains?

Yes there are over 50

What are the mountains of the Andes?

The Andes mountains are in South America and span over 4,700 miles. They are mostly volcanoes, with several that are active.

Do the Andes Mountains come under the ring of fire?

Yes. Scattered throughout the Andes are volcanoes that are part of the Ring of Fire.

The type of volcano formed from violent eruptions of a volcano?

It is not a composite volcano or a cinder cone volcano... it's not even a shield volcano so it is NOT one of the three main volcanoes

Do composite volcanoes erupt violently?

Yes. Composite volcanoes often produce violent eruptions.