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There are many different coat colors for laboratory mice including white, albino, dilute brown, black, agouti, yellow, and more. Different strains of mice are bred for different kinds of research. For example, the CBA/J strain is an agouti mouse that becomes blind by ween age, therefore it could be used for genetic research into blindness. Coat color doesn't have much to do with how well a mouse performs as a laboratory animal.

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11y ago

White mice are used in laboratory test because they mimic the mutated recessive gene of the Caucasian race. Brown mice are natural to the environment as there are unlimited benefits to this color and it would seem natural to use a dominate trait to conduct these test, but these results may not work on a mutated species. It has nothing to do with purity because purity is anything that has not been modified or influenced from its original state by any force or material not derived from that original state, that being said brown mice are pure, white mice have been modified from the original. This information you may not get from many sources but it is a fact. Brown mice are used if you are going to conduct test on a naturally occurring pure species.

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