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yes they are i know that for a fact sadly :(

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Q: Why are wild horses threatened or are in danger of becoming extinct?
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What breed of horses have become or about to become extinct?

the bred that is becoming extinct in the world are mustangs there are 4,182 but it has reduced by 2,000.

Are Przewalski's horse extinct?

The Przewalski horses are not extinct, but they are extremely rare and in danger of extinction. There are not any left in the wild but they can be seen in Zoos.

What do horses think when they are in danger?

Well, we don't know what they think exactly, but when a horse feels threatened, it will most often run away.

Is sheep and horse domestic animal?

the sheep is, yes, but the horse was origianally not. now, some horses are and some arent, but the wild horses are becoming extinct while the domestic are growing in population

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Where Horses extinct in North America during the ice age?

Horses did indeed become extinct in North America!. They survived, however in other countries.

Where there horses in America before the Spaniards took them there?

yes, there were native horses, but then they became extinct and stayed extinct, until the Spaniards brought them back to America. =D

Why are horses extinct?

Horses in general aren't extinct. There are still plenty of species left. Some of the original wild horse breeds have been lost though.

How do horses defend themselves?

Horses are a flight animal, they will run away from danger.

Are mustangs the only horse in danger?

No, Suffolk Horses are endangered because people use tractors instead of Draft Horses. Not all Mustangs are in Danger too.

Are horses in danger of extinction?

It's not really that they are going extinct, but rather the Spanish culture is trying to preserve the integrity of the bloodlines. We had a stallion that had been imported from Spain right before they started to restrict imports and deports. If I remember correctly, an Andalusian needs to be very pure in the sense that gernerations back were pure as well in order to be papered as one. Same with the Fresians. The problem was, I believe, that people were breeding them with other breeds to create a horse that had different/better characteristics for their needs. Such as Morgan/Andalsian, Arab/Andalusian ect. These offspring look very similar to the Andalusian, but would carry characteristics of the different breed.

Who brought horses first to the US and why?

horses became extinct in the us un'till columbus brought them back