

Why are wire cutters called dikes?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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9y ago

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Dikes is a corruption of "diags" which is the nickname for diagonal cutters. Some believe it comes from taking letters from the full name, DIagonal CutterS (DICS), but that seems very unlikely.

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Q: Why are wire cutters called dikes?
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If you tried to cut a wire that is too hard, it will damage the cutters.

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There are no wire cutters (that is an item from 24 Carrot Island).The bolt cutters are in Puerto Rico, at the upper left star on the map. Go to the right, past the house, and climb the springy poles to reach the top. You need the bolt cutters to cut a lock at New Jersey.

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No, most cutters and strippers can do the job of a Klein with the same aptness.

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Yes, but wire cutters are better.

Side cutting pliers could properly be used to cut?

If they are real 'side cutters' then they have flat jaws for gripping, and a wire cutter on one side. You don't see these around much any more. People have taken to calling 'diagonal wire cutters' , side cutters now.

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Because the handles aare longer and the turning force more.

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You need to use wire cutters