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They are not necessarily the best or the easiest to manage. Many people think that wheat straw is the best providing it is good quality. Shavings good for horses with COPD, dust allergy, etc. Also rubber matting, paper, etc.

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Q: Why are wood shavings the best type of bedding to use for a 5 year old horse without foal?
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What is the best bedding for a 5 year old horse with no foal by its side?

Wood shavings

What is the most suitable horse bedding?

In manys opinion, wood shavings is the best. You can find it at any farm store (e.g.UFA)

What bedding should i use for my gunea pig?

There are plenty of bedding materials out there. Use what you like best. Aspen shavings are very nice.

Can you use kitty litter with guinea pigs?

You should not use cat litter, pine shavings, or cedar shavings. It would be better and healthier to get a guinea pig a different bedding.

Is wood chip bedding good to use in a horses stall?

Wood shavings make great bedding if it's from the right kind of tree. Cedar or redwood are not used for horse stalls. Pine and fir make the best bedding. Some people prefer straw and rice hulls are also good choices.

What is the best bedding for a guinea pig that doesnt cause respiratory problems?

Kiln-dried pine or aspen shavings, fleece, or a paper-based bedding such as Carefresh.

Is newspaper bad for rabbits?

Yes, newspaper is not an ideal bedding for rabbits as the ink can be harmful if ingested. It's best to use safe bedding options like hay, straw, or paper-based bedding for your rabbit's enclosure.

Are wood shavings the best bedding for dwarf hamsters?

yes u can use sawdust with any breed of hamsters

What should i use for guinea pig bedding?

Good options for guinea pig bedding include paper-based bedding, aspen shavings, or fleece liners. Avoid cedar or pine shavings as they can be harmful to guinea pigs' respiratory systems. Make sure to provide enough bedding for burrowing and nesting.

How do you break a bad habit when my horse eats straw instead of hay?

The horse is eating the straw because it is either hungry or bored. A horse should have hay available at all times to prevent bad behaviours, ulcers, and colic. You can use a slow feed hay net to accomplish this. Another note is that straw is not necessarily the best bedding for horses it may benefit the horse to have it's bedding switched to pine shavings or even large particle sawdust (small particle sawdust is bad for them).

Is it okay for guinea pigs to have pine bedding?

The best bedding to use is wood shavings. If the pine is in shaving form then yes, youcan. Never use newspaper as bedding. The ink can be toxic to little pets.

Is newspaper toxic to hamsters?

Yes, newspaper ink can be toxic to hamsters if ingested, so it is not recommended as bedding material. It's best to use safe bedding options for hamsters like aspen shavings, paper-based bedding, or commercial hamster bedding from pet stores.