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Italics are most often used to emphasize certain words. the style was used to greater purpose in Italy from about 1795, although italics were known from the early 1500's

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Q: Why are words italicized in a play?
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How do you get words on your computer to not be italicized?

Ok, so you go to the top of your computer, you know, the tool bar. and you look for the button with the italicized word on it, and if you want your words to NOT be italicized, you click that button. if that does not work than i do not know what will :-)

Why there's no hot water What is the italicized word?

You have a misunderstanding about what the phrase "italicized word" means. A person can make ANY word italicized, to emphasize or draw attention to the word or words. In order to see what word or words is italicized, we would need to see the exact item you are seeing.

Why should readers pay special attention to words that are italicized?

Certain words are sometimes italicized while the words around them are not in order to make those words stand out as different. It can be for emphasis, or it can distinguish a title from the context it is mentioned in. Also, sometimes a word from another language may be italicized to show that it is different from the surrounding words.

What should be italicized in this sentence The students attended a production of Romeo and Juliet.?

The title of the play, "Romeo and Juliet," should be italicized in the sentence.

What should be italicized The students attended a production of Romeo and Juliet?

Names of literary works should be italicized to set them apart from the rest. The words "Romeo and Juliet" are the name of the play. They should be in italics.

What does it mean when they use italicized word?

It means the words in italics are more important than other words.

What information should be italicized in this sentence The students attended a production of Romeo and Juliet.?

The title of the play, "Romeo and Juliet," should be italicized in the sentence: The students attended a production of Romeo and Juliet.

Which sentence italicized words that are used as an infinitive phrase?

Mark wanted to go, but not today.

Do I italicize all foreign words?

It is not necessary to italicize all foreign words. Generally, foreign words that are commonly used in English or are well-known do not need to be italicized. However, if a foreign word is not commonly used and may not be familiar to the reader, it can be italicized for emphasis or to indicate its foreign origin.

How does italicized appear?

Like this italicized text.

Should McDonald's be italicized?

No, McDonald's does not need to be italicized.

Should the title of a PowerPoint be italicized?

It is not recommend that the title of a PowerPoint be italicized. It is recommended that the author or originator of the presentation be italicized.