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The moon's surface reflects the sun's rays back to earth at night making it look like the moon glows.

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Q: Why are you able to see the moon shining on earth?
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Could you see the earths light if you were on the moon?

In the same way we see brightness from the Moon as a result of the Sun shining on it, you would see brightness on the Earth from the Moon when the Sun is shining on it. You would not be able to see normal lights, like street lights, from the Moon.

Why can you see the moon from earth?

Because the light from the sun is reflected off of earth, shining on to the moon so it is then visible to us earthlings.

How does the moon shines?

The moon does not shine of itself. What we see is when the sun is shining on the moon and it is illuminated. So the moon is reflecting light towards us. If you were on the moon, and the sun was shining on the part of earth that was facing you, the earth would appear to be shining. The other planets that we see that appear to shine, are also just being lit up by the sun.

How do you get phases of the moon?

The Phases of the moon are caused by the sun shining on one side of the moon- the other side is in shadow. When the moon is beside the earth with the sun shining on half of it, you will see a 1/2 full moon.

What is the effect of the sun's light shining on the moon?

The effect is that we see the phases of the moon here on Earth. The reason for different phases is the angle and position of the sun and moon.

Do the phases of the moon affect how much of the is illuminated?

Yes because the sun is shining at different angles from the moon to earth at least that we see xD

Why do you only see a percentage of the moon?

You only see a percentage of the moon because the Earth is blocking the light from the sun which then reflects off the moon. The other part of the moon has no light shining on it, therefore it cannot be seen

Why does the moon appear to be lit?

it is because the sun is shining on it and the light reflects off of it onto earth, therefor we see it

Why you see full moon when it is in between sun and earth?

You don't. You see a full moon when the earth is in the middle. The why is that when you're looking at the moon (then) the sun is at your back. It's like looking at any object with a flashlight shining forward over your shoulder.

Where is the earth when you were able to see a full moon?


Why do you have full moons?

The sun is always shining at the moon. However, sometimes we can only see part of the moon that the sun is shining on. When the sun is behind us and the moon in front of us, we can see all of the part of the moon that the sun is shining on. If the sun is behind us and the moon is to the left or right of us, we can see part of the moon that the sun is shining on and part that it isn't shining on. However, because that part of the moon is so dark, we cant really see it all, so we see a half moon. As the moon orbits the Earth wee see more or less part of it lit up. The moon then seems to disappear altogether, which is because we can't see any part of the moon being lit up. The moon is getting fuller at present, so each night we see a bit more of it lit up. After it is full we will begin to see less of it being lit up.

Can people only see the part of the moon where the sun is shining on it?

This is essentially correct. When part of the moon is in darkness, we can't see it. Additionally, the same side of the moon faces earth all the time as our satellite is locked in its orbit to constantly face earth. We only see the portion of the moon that is both illuminated by the sun and facing the earth.