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This is one of the types of question that you may get at an interview; they are intended to get you to talk about yourself. The questions are usually about some aspect of your own life so it is nor possible to answer them for you. You should think carefully, before attending, about such questions as this so as to be prepared when asked. There are several such questions and there is a great deal of information on the internet about techniques to employ when attending interviews

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Q: Why are you interested in our college?
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Why are you interested in xyz college answers?

I am not interested, you are mistaken.

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The academic calendar varies from college to college. You have to check with the college you are interested in.

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whichever 1 your interested in

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If you are interested in business retail, college is not required. If you are interested in business management, it is wise to take a lot of different business courses like marketing and economics as well as management classes.

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Those most likely to be interested in college suites are students who do not live near enough the school to attend and also students who are living on campus.

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Depends college to college. You can check with the oncology departments at colleges you are interested in for a complete list of classes. Good luck!

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no he didnt because he was interested in physical stuff

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Becoming involved/interested in college.

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Becoming involved/interested in college.

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It all depends on the area that you are interested in and whether it is available at a vocational college. A vocational college is for a specific career, such as a mechanic or criminal justice.

Do you still need to take SAT test if you passed California high school exit exam in 10th grade?

If you are interested in going to college you need to take the SAT or the ACT. If you are not interested in going to college then taking the tests would serve no purpose to you. Most college accept both tests, but look into what the college you want to go to requires.