

Why are you seeing colors at all?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Because your eyes have cones that detect color. Rods detect black and white.

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Q: Why are you seeing colors at all?
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White, black, and all colors in between are just a small portion of a larger spectrum of energy. White items are those where all visible colors are reflected by an object. So, when something looks white, that is because you are seeing all of the colors of the rainbow at once. Black is just the opposite. Black is what you see when all of the colors are absorbed. In essence, black is the absense of color, and white is the combination of all colors.

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By pointing at something and asking "What's that color?" If the colors match, then you are not seeing inverted colors. This answer is WRONG! For example, if you ask "What's that color?" and point to black, but you are seeing white, the other person will answer it's black, but in your childhood you learned that the white that YOU see is called black, so you still don't know if you see inverted colors.

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Black is the absence of light. Black is what you see when you're not seeing anything else. Unless there's some kind of brain/nerve damage creating false colors, all seeing creatures can see black.

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Orange then red i remember seeing

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It is difficult to distinguish between colors at night because?

we are seeing primarily with the rods

When you see colors what color is reflected and what color is absorbed?

Black is absorbed! White is reflected. :)

Is seeing a falling star lucky?

not exactly... shooting stars are just meteors of different colors. seeing one was said to be good luck, but scientifically NO.