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You either have low self-esteem or he has cheated on you and you don't trust him.

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Q: Why are you so insecure about your boyfriend and other women?
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How can you trust your boyfriend when he has a girl friend?

You can't. (but one poor soul wishes to disagree ... so:) You can, my boyfriend has a girlfriend who is obsessed with him! she would do and say anything to make me think he is cheating. some women are evil. they are insecure and jealous. you have to trust your man. my boyfriend shared intimate details with her; and she blurted it out in front of myself and his friends. she has proved she is crass and classless completely NOT what my boyfriend is attracted to.

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Your boyfriend may feel jealous because he may see hugging as a display of intimacy, which could make him feel insecure about your relationship. It's important to communicate with him and understand each other's boundaries to address his feelings of jealousy.

What do you do when your boyfriend tells you about other women being all over him?

Accept that your boyfriend has a need for female validation and doesn't care how you feel about it, or break up with him so that you can be with someone who doesn't feel the need to boast and have other women hang all over him.

Why does your new boyfriend keeps asking about your ex?

Because maybe he's insecure and needs to make sure that you dont still have feelings for your ex

What does it mean when a your boyfriend gets mad at you for being insecure enough to accuse him for liking other girls?

It means he is angry that he's done nothing wrong and you are so insecure that you can't accept that he wants to be with you, OR it means he is cheating on you. It depends on the evidence. If you have evidence he is cheating on you, he probably is. If you have absolutely no evidence, you're probably crazy. This might make him angry.

Feel awkward because your boyfriend used to like a friend before you?

If he is your boyfriend now then there is nothing to worry about or feel awkward about as he is with you. You obviously liked other people before him as well so it works both ways. Move forward happy and don't feel awkward or insecure as he chose you and you are with him, enjoy this time.

Is it bad if your boyfriend does not let a girl have any guy friends what so ever?

What does he say the reason for this is? It is not a "good sign" if your boyfriend insists that you do not have any other guy friends. This could indicate a controlling issue or an insecure self-esteem issue with your boyfriend. However, if you are the flirty-type, your boyfriend could justifiably have trust issues with you. You need to look at the big picture here to identify why your boyfriend does not want you to have guy friends. This will give you one of the above reasons why.

Why is my boyfriend and i always quarrel because he always STARE at women even if you are right beside him?

Well hun, it's natural 4 men 2 look at other women, so get over it

Why does your boyfriend get so angry if you suggest that you're equal?

From the beginning of time the man was the protector of females and children and not much has changed today with the exception women are playing a stronger role in society and men feel like they are playing second fiddle to them. It all started with women fighting for their right to vote and Women's Lib. However, a confident young man would have no problem if you mentioned you were his equal and, in fact, a good young man wouldn't have to be told. If you give respect you should get it back.It's quite possible your boyfriend is insecure and is controlling that could lead to verbal or physical abuse later in the relationship. Relationships are about loving each other and treating each other as equals.

What do you do when everyone thinks your boyfriend is hot?

Feel good about it. He's with you, so don't feel insecure about other people thinking that your boyfriend is hot. I'm a guy that's fairly good looking and I have a hot girlfriend who gets hit on all the time. I don't make a big deal about it. I may get a bit jealous but I quickly feel good that my girlfriend is a hot commodity and that she's with me. Being insecure does not help. Just take it as a compliment and don't let it interfere with your relationship.

My wife talks to an ex boyfriend and doesn't tell you?

She can talk to any one she wants, if this bothers you, ask her why she would not tell you, maybe she knows that you are insecure and jealous and does not want a quarrel on her hands. There are many men and women who talk to their exes, so if their current partners have a problem with that, maybe they should rethink their relationship.

my boyfriend is insecure and putting me through hell what do you suggest?

I had the same problem so I called student services at the University I was attending and they co-signed for me. This is not a garrantee they will help you but it doesn't hurt to ask!