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Gravity, it turns out, is a remarkably WEAK force. Even our puny muscles can propel us several feet into the air.

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Q: Why are you so light when you're in gravity?
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Does gravity travel at speed of light?

Gravity wave do, so yes.

Is there a place where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape?

We call these "black holes" because the gravity is so strong that it even pulls in all of the light.

How black hole absorb light?

Light is affected by gravity, if the gravity is immense. In a black hole, the gravity is so immense that light cannot escape from it, hence it cannot be seen - whcih is why it's called a "black hole".

When a planet is far away from the sun the pull of gravity between them will be?

The pull of gravity between them will be so light

What is the speed of light in zero gravity?

Gravity does not effect speed of light ,so velocity is constant. Even if it effect the effect is negligible. So in short answer is 3*108ms-1 -Thunder

What is an area of space with gravity so strong that it traps light?

A black hole has gravity so heavy it traps light.

What effects the speed of a object?

Speed is relative to the speed of light and gravity. So gravity could effect speed.

What is so massive that its gravity does not let light escape?

A black hole.

When was Gravity of Light created?

Gravity of Light was created in 2010.

What is a gravity light?

I don't think there is a scientific concept called "gravity light". There is gravity, and there is light. The two are not directly related.

What is the speed of gravity?

C To expound, gravity and light travel at the same speed. * It is a fundamental fact of nature that nothing can travel faster than light, but matter slows light while gravity is not slowed or screened by anything. So light and gravity only travel at the same speed in the vacuum of space away from any mass.

Does gravity affect the speed of light?

Gravity affects the fabric of space-time. So both space and time will be distorted.