

Best Answer

1. Its beacause you have been on it forever (or..)

2. you dont have enough newtrons to fight off virus like these which can simply cause a bug inside you. If you havent been reading the back of these things that your taking it should on the syptoms key as you look. I sugges t you go get this treated right away of you going to have to stop taking these pills my opinion.

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Q: Why are you vomiting on methadone and oxycodone after you have been on them for years?
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Don't take methadone it is very addictive and way stronger. Suboxone is way better and safer for coming of oxycodone. With Suboxone you would only have to take 2-4 mg.

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I have been taking methadone for 4 plus years and my dentist has prescribed darvocet a few times well aware of the fact of me being on methadone so im going to go with yes. Also i have not had any bad reaction to the mixture so i dont believe its a problem.

How many mg of methadone should you take to make oxycodone withdrawls go awayi take about 80 mg of oxy a day?

I have been an opiate addict for about 3 years. However, I started MMT (Methadone Maintence Theropy) about 6 months ago and have been off off opiates since then. Like your question, my main drug of choice was Oxycontin. I took 40-150mg of Oxycontin a day.. or morphine, vicodin, or fentanyl when I couldn't get Oxycontin. I was started on 40mg a day of methadone, then went to 65, then 85, then i was at 100, then 120, and now i am finally on 135. I take 135mg of methadone a day and it seems to help my withdrawl symptoms of oxycodone and other opiates. Just go to a methadone clinic, most clinics will take patients who have been addicts for over a year, and explain your problem to them. They will be very helpful and the doctor at the clinic will prescribe you what he feels is the appropiate dose, and if that dose starts to not be enough, meet with the doctor again and he will most likely up your dose.

Is it safe to combine Paxil with methadone?

I am on 100mg of Methadone and have been for a few years now. Three weeks ago my doctor put me on Paxil. He said it was safe.I have noticed no side effects at all!

Can daily Strattera usage create a false positive result for methadone on urine dip?

yes i just took one and i had a flase positive for methadone and i have been on a 80mg dose of strattera for a few years

Can you take naproxen and methadone at the same time?

I'm no doctor but I just went to one after hurting my back. I was prescribed three meds -- Flexeril, Naproxen, and Oxycodone -- so based on that, I'd say probably yes.

How can someone pass a drug test that has been using methadone?

Stop using Methadone.

What is a normal dosage of methadone for a female who been on it for 2 years?

There is no "normal dose" for a "female on methadone for two years" It depends on the person, and the amount drugs they used prior to taking methadone. I am currently a patient at a methadone clinic, and when I first started I would ask myself "am I taking a normal amount, but my counselor told me not to worry about the # of mg's I am on, but to focus on my recovery. Only you can truly know if the dose you are on is working for you. I can tell you before I started methadone, I was taking Tramadol (which is not very common for methadone patients) sometimes I would take 20 pills a day. sometimes I would take percocet, vicodin, whatever. I've been a patient for 6 months and I am on 80 mg's of methadone per day. Good luck with your recovery!

How long do urine screens pain management test go back for oxycodone and methadone?

The day you give the sample whatever shows up had to of been used within a few days of the test normally they are both out of your system in a couple days. And as you and I both know you shouldn't be taking opiates with methadone. It can cause seizures temporary coma overdose and death!