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they need to learn to live by themselves

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Q: Why are your finches throwing their eggs out of the nest?
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Why do finches break there eggs for?

I am not sure. My finches used to protect their eggs, not crack them. The other birds in the cage must have cracked them. If not, maybe they needed nutrients.

Should you remove cowbird egg from finch nest?

The Cowbird never has its own nest - it uses the finch nest as its host (read: parasite.) The Cowbird egg will hatch first & will push the other eggs or baby finches out of the nest. Other species of birds will get rid of the Cowbird eggs, but finches don't seem to. I always remove them when found.

Were do birds lay there eggs?

Do pigeons lay egges in the winter time? (other person) I believe they could lay eggs at any time of year.

Where do finches build their nest?

Society finches can lay 3 to 6 eggs. When laying eggs it usually has one egg a day until its done laying. When the hen is done laying the eggs the male and the female will sit on those eggs. It will 14 to 21 days for those eggs to hatch. If the eggs do not hatch after 21 days, you should throw those eggs away. Then the finches will mate again.

When finches lay eggs do they need anything to cover the eggs?

Your finch will lay eggs in a nest that has been lined with something, feathers, fuzz, nesting materials. The adults will take turns sitting on the eggs. When they leave the nest they may pull a little of the nesting material over the eggs or they may leave them exposed on the top, it is really up to them. And as long as they do not leave the nest for more than a few minutes at a time the eggs will be fine.

What do finches use as a nest?

Grass,leaves,moss,cobweb and lichen

What is the range of eggs per nest?

the range of eggs per nest is 4 eggs

What kind of birdhouses do finches like?

I believe finches nest in trees and do not use birdhouses, much like cardinals. They are from the same family.

Do snails need to be on the nest for the eggs to hatch?

No, snails do not make a nest, they do stay on a nest, they do not hatch eggs. The eggs mature and hatch by themselves.

Do zebra finches mate with their brothers and sisters?

i have two litters of zebra finches, total of 6, 2 female and 4 male. i have been finding eggs not knowing where there coming from. i have 2 open nest and just added a burrow (tunnel made of hay) and hung it at the highest peak. two (one male, one female) of them started immediately building their nest inside. i am now waiting to see if they are the culprits of the egg laying. the answer is yes, brother and sisters mate. you have the option of throwing or keeping the eggs, that's your prerogative. do you want more? i have looked into adopted them out with no success. and i would never just let them go, they would never survive outside of Australia.

How often do you have to change nest for finches?

It verys for each bird, but for finches, usually in the wild, they clean it every 7-10 days. Hope that helps.

Where does bees lay their eggs?