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Q: Why are your green bell pepper plants leaves curling and have black between stem and branches?
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How do you prevent yellowing leaves on pepper plants?

Yellow leaves are usually a sign of overwatering.

What does Dr Pepper do to plants?

Dr pepper has lots of sugar and chemicals that will harm the plant, causing it to get yellow leaves or die.

What is a purple Chile plant with purple leaves and chilis called?

A purple chili plant with purple leaves and purple peppers is called a Purple Chili Pepper plant. It is also called the Purple Jalapeno or Purple Pepper. It is a variety of chili that is sold usually as a dried chili pepper.

What is botanically different between a chili and a pepper?

There is such a thing as a chili pepper.

Are leaves of bell pepper plants edible?

They will not kill you but they might make you sick. They may have poisonous alkaloids. The amount of poisonous alkaloids can vary widely depending on the specific variety. On some websites you will find mention of bell pepper leaves being eaten in Southeast Asia. I do not know if this is true, but they may not be growing the same varieties of bell pepper plant as are grown in the U.S. If some kinds of bell pepper leaves are eaten, they must have been cooked.

Are bell pepper leaves edible?

Hello, Yes I believe they are. But be careful, some plants with edible fruits (like potatoes can have toxicity in their leaves. The best is to check with people from the Philippines. I believe they have recipes there that include the use of Bell Pepper leaves (something called "Tinola"). So maybe only certain species of pepper plants will do. Here is also a forum thread that discuses just that question with a few people mentioning that they have been eating bell pepper leaves: Hope this helps, Dan

What will happen to my friend if he smokes pot with basil leaves and pepper?

he will cough till he dies...

What is the differences between coke and Dr Pepper?

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What is a betel pepper?

A betel pepper is an Asiatic plant, Latin name Piper betle, whose leaves are used to wrap betel nuts before chewing.

How cold can a pepper plant get before it dies?

Even a light frost will burn the leaves of a pepper plant, and temperatures lower than about 30 degrees Fahrenheit will kill it.

How was India affected by the Spanish Empire?

The invention of sailors affects the general life of the Spanish. Before, pepper was a very expensive, but after discovering India, pepper became common between people. Many new things have been imported to Spanish for example tea leaves, textile material and so on.