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Q: Why are your kumquats fuzzy?
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Related questions

What color are kumquats?

Kumquats are orange.

Are kumquats magical?

Yes. Kumquats are extremely magical.

What scent reminds you of vampires?

This is an opinionated question, but I believe garlic. Wormwood, poppies, tomatoes, Basil. Kumquats Kumquats???!!! Yes, Kumquats make me think of vampires.

What is Kumquats?

it is a fruit

What does a kumquats look like?

Kumquats look like small oval shaped Oranges and are the size of large olives. Kumquats are citrus fruits that can be found growing throughout the world.

Why do kumquats choke people?

kumquats choke people because they are actually tiny oranges that you eat peel and all and when you bite them, disgusting juice squirts you in the throat and you choke. And kumquats hate people.

Where do kumquats originate?


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Where can you buy kumquats?


Where does a cunquat come from?

Kumquats came from China.

When is harvesting season for Kumquats?

november to january

What is kumquats genes and species?

its genus is fertunella