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It looks different by comparison.Like if you put a a big object near a small object the bigger object would bigger.

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Q: Why are zebras stripes black when grass is green?
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Do zebras have red or green stripes?

um... neither last time i checked. if you watch the movie Madagascar it says zebras are black with white stripes so im going to have to go with that.

Do zebras eat green grass?

nope they eat purple grass!-_-

What color can't zebras see?

The zebras that are white with black stripes can see perfectly well. However, the zebras that are black with white stripes are blind.

What re zebras?

they are blue and pink with green polka dots and orange stripes

How zebras eat?

zebras eat fresh green grass to help them be strong to run fast from their enemies

What kind of catepillars are green with black stripes?

Most catilppilars are green with black stripes but you may be looking at a Crossstriped Cabbageworm.

What is the name of the grass that zebras like to eat?

Zebra Grass, seriously. Green and has a white stripe running up the center

What color stripes look good on metallic green car?

Black or white stripes

What kind of caterpillar is green with black stripes and eats parsley?

black swallowtail

Is nemo green?

no, he is orange, with white stripes and black trim

What colors do lions see when looking at zebras in the grass?

they see them green and white because they can't see the black lines in them and this is all true oakii so i hope i have answed your question thanx

What bedroom color should you paint if you have green tiles flooring?

You could paint it black or make it green and black stripes or white and green stripes. or if you really love green paint it green or just keep it white well you don't have to listen to me ask a friend.