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The Eastern Orthodox Church separated from the papacy circa 1054 A.D. basically over who held the highest authority in Christianity. There was a schism between the pope and a patriarch which them excommunicating each other thus both claiming supreme authority and therefore two Churches emerged.

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Q: Why aren't orthodox catholics under the pope?
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The Catholics are under the authority of the Pope. The other two branches do not recognize the authority of the Pope. The Protestant churches were influenced by the teachings of Martin Luther.

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The pope does not have any authority in the Orthodox Church. The pope only has authority over Roman Catholics.

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The pope in Rome is not the leader of any Orthodox Church. The pope is only the leader of the Roman Catholics and has no jurisdiction (power or authority) over the Orthodox Church, which has its own leaders, such as the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople.

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Some Christian groups that do not recognize the pope as their head include the Eastern Orthodox Churches, such as the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Coptic Orthodox Church. Other groups that do not recognize the pope as their head include various Protestant denominations, such as Baptists, Evangelicals, and Pentecostals.

Does Eastern Ortodox Christians have a pope?

No, not in the same way that Roman Catholics believe in him. The Orthodox regard the Pope as being the Bishop of Rome and the leader of Roman Catholics. They do not regard him as the head of all Christians.

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Only cardinals under the age of 80 can vote for the pope.

Which is a result of great Schism?

The result is that to this day we have two major Christian church organizations that date back to the beginning of Christianity in the Roman Empire. There are the Roman Catholics under the leadership of the Pope in Rome, and the "Orthodox" Christians, who do not have an overall leadership but who have national Orthodox churches under national church leaders - hence "Russian Orthodox", "Greek Orthodox" etcetera.

Which religion has a spiritual leader is known as the pope?

The religion with a spiritual leader known as the pope is Christianity, specifically the Roman Catholic Church. The pope is considered the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church and is based in Vatican City.

What do Catholics and Protestants think of the Pope?

Most Catholics think of the Pope as their Holy Father, Christ's vicar on Earth, the heir of Saint Peter and the head of their Church. Most Protestants think of the Pope as the crowning symbol of Catholicism's apostasy from the anti-establishment teaching of Jesus. You don't ask about Orthodox Christians, most of whom consider both Protestants and Catholics to be pagans.

Do Catholics have a pope?

Yes. Pope Francis.

What are the beliefs concerning the pope in the eastern orthodox church?

The Orthodox regard the Pope as being the Bishop of Rome and the leader of Roman Catholics. They do not regard him as the head of all Christians, and they do not regard him as being infallible. Papal claims of 'infallibility' were only made from the year 1870. The word 'Pope' itself derives from Greek word 'pappas' which means 'Father'. This title was first used by the Orthodox Patriarchs of Alexandria, long before it was assumed by the bishops of Rome.