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Q: Why aren't satellites pulled to earth by gravity?
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Why don't satellites get pulled towards the Earth's surface?

Because of the gravity that Earth has with the moon; Satellites are out of the gravity pull that surrounds Earth, therefore, they are not sucked in.

Which source of gravity is maintaining all four satellites around the earth?

Satellites of the Earth are held in their orbits by the Earth's gravity. That includes the Moon and all the artificial satellites etc. that are up there.

What force acts to pull natural and artificial satellites to earth?

Gravity. A natural satellite aka asteroid, then meteor, then meteorite all get pulled to Earth through gravity. With artificial sattelites it's tge same thing, gravity. The difference is we launch our satellites to the perfect zone around the planet where they become trapped in orbit around us. Sometimes things occur that bump these satellites out of their orbit and gravity takes over, pulling the satellite back to the surface.

Is there gravity where satellites are at?

Yes there are enough gravitational forces to keep the satellites orbiting earth.

What pulls satellites towards the center of the earth?

Gravity .

Are satellites orbiting earths gravity?

No. They orbit Earth; and the reason they orbit is because of gravity.

How does gravity help satellites orbit earth?

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What things are pulled toward earth?


Why doesn't gravity pull the artificial satellites to Earth?

Gravity pulls the satellites but the orbiting satellites don't fall down towards earth because the speed with which they move balances the gravitational force i.e. Centripetal force = Gravitational force.

How are satellites held in orbit around Earth?

the atmosphere of gravity pulls it.