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The Hawaiian Islands trail off to the northwest because the other Hawaiian Islands have moved northwestward beyond the hot spot.

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Some scientists believe that the Pacific Plate shifted, while other scientists believe that the Hawaii hotspot is actually mobile.

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Q: Why aren't the Hawaiian Islands in a straight line?
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Which term indicates the imaginary line that extends straight out from the center of a reflective surface?

The imaginary line that extends straight out from the center of a reflective surface is the optical axis.

How where the hawaiian islands formed?

The Hawaiian Islands are volcanic in origin. Each island is made up of at least one primary volcano, although many islands are composites of more than one. The Big Island, for instance, is constructed of 5 major volcanoes: Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, Hualalai and Kohala. Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano on Earth. Kilauea is presently one of the most productive volcanoes on Earth (in terms of how much lava it erupts each year). The primary volcanoes on each of the islands are known as a shield volcanoes, which are gently sloping mountains produced from a large number of generally very fluid lava flows. Hawaiian volcanoes primarily erupt a type of rock known as basalt. When molten, basalt produces liquids of relatively high fluidity, compared to volcanoes that erupt more silica rich magma types such as andesite, dacite or rhyolite. The fluidity of molten basalt favors the formation of lava flows, which is why the Hawaiian volcanoes generally have gentle sloping sides. By contrast, lavas with higher silica content are more viscous and commonly produce either thicker, shorter lava flows, thick blocky deposits and/or thick beds of ash that fall from the sky following explosive eruptions. These other types of volcanoes (common outside of Hawaii) are typically steeper sided. The Hawaiian volcanoes were produced by the Hawaiian hot spot, which is presently under the Big Island of Hawaii. The image below shows the islands of the Hawaiian chain and the intervening shallows, banks and reefs along a line from southeast to northwest. Note that the islands of Lanai and Kahoolawe are not shown because they would "overlap" with Molokai and Maui, respectively (see the map of the Islands on the Hawaiian Volcanoes page) In general, when you move along the island chain from southeast (Hawaii) to northwest, (Kure), the volcanoes become older and older.

Is Illinois on a fault line?

The Hawaiian Islands are a part of the Pacific oceanic plate. Their creation is owed to a hot spot in the mantle below the crust not plate boundary volcanism.

Is an aquitard porous or impermeable?

it has to be impermeable so it can line the aquifer without letting water straight through

Earths rotation and the Coriolis effect winds almost never blow what way?

in a straight line east

Related questions

Why are the Hawaiian islands in a chain?

Due to volcanic eruptions forming islands along a weakness in a long line of the sea bed, the Hawaiian Island chains was formed.

Why are the Hawaiian Islands in a line?

The Hawaiian Islands are in a line due to the movement of the Pacific tectonic plate over a hot spot in the Earth's mantle, which creates a chain of volcanic islands as the plate drifts. As the plate moves northwest, new volcanic islands form while older islands erode and subside, resulting in the linear arrangement of the Hawaiian archipelago.

What islands were formed by a line of volcanos in the Hawaiian archipelago what island is the youngest?

The Island of Hawaii is the youngest of the "main" islands.

Why does an international date line is not straight line?

to avoid pacific islands so they are in the same timezone

Where does the international date line cross through?

It crosses through, and around, a number of islands and a lot of water in the Pacific Ocean. The line deviates from a straight line to keep it from passing through countries such as the USA (Alaska), or New Zealand, and island nation such as the Marshall Islands and the Aleutian Islands.

Is Hawaii made up of eight islands?

Island arcs are formed by the subduction of an oceanic plate beneath another oceanic plate. The oceanic plate that is subducted beneath the other plate melts as it is pushed down into the mantle and creates a source of magma. The magma rises and forms volcanoes which create the islands of the island arc. The Hawaiian islands are formed by a mantle plume which is roughly in the center of the Pacific plate. The plate is moving across the plume and the islands are being formed in a line as the plate moves. The Hawaiian islands don't count as an island arc because they are formed in a completely different process and because they are roughly in a line, not an arc.

Do line segments have to be straight?

Yes. If it is not straight, then it is not a line.

What four contintents does the international date line divide?

If the International Date Line was a straight line it would be the 180° longitude line. The line intersects part of Russia (eastern part of Siberia) as well as some some territories and island groups such as Fiji. The 180° longitude line also goes between in New Zealand and its territory Chatham Islands such that New Zealand is in the eastern hemisphere and the Chatham Islands is in the western hemisphere.

What number of degrees is the International date line at?

The International Date Line (IDL) roughly follows the 180° longitude which is called the 180th meridian or antimeridian.Unlike lines of longitude which are straight lines, the Date Line deviates to pass around some territories and island groups (Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, etc). The Date Line deviates from the straight line of longitude to keep it from passing through countries such as the USA (Alaska), Russia (Wrangel Island and Chukchi Peninsula), or New Zealand, and island nations such as the Marshall Islands and the Aleutian Islands.

Does displacement have to be in a straight line?

Displacement of a straight line is zero...

If a line is straight how can you tell the vertex?

A straight line has no vertex.

How do you explain straight line graphs?

it just a straight line