

Why aren't zombies real?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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cause u cant move without a working brain


-I respectfully disagree. It is not impossible for a human to become a theoretical zombie. A human does not necessarily have to be dead to be a zombie, but only act as one involuntarily.

-Ancient voodoo in Haiti used to put people in a deep sleep with medicines that would slow heart rates to a near stop. They would eventually wake up with the effects of being knocked out (not knowing really anything) and walk as if they were undead.

-Viruses, cancers, or baciterias can infect the human brain, permanently disabling many motor skills and brain functions, and enabling other instincts such as cannibalism (Which no one can deny is existent in even our own cultures), thus creating undead-like creatures, namely Zombies, but not necessarily meeting all the prerequisites of being a zombie.

-Normally, a zombie would have an imaginary virus in its system named 'Solanum' (Max Brooks, Zombie Survival Guide) that would infect a humans bloodstream and kill them within 24 hours. About an hour after they die, they would be reanimated with the virus still in their bloodstream, as well as controlling their brain. This is the classical classification (excuse the alliteration) for a zombie.

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