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The answers above mine are more accurate, but long story short that's like, two totally different beliefs. Neanderthal man, is from the theory of evolution which is basically the earth was created by the big bang, evolution, etc. And the theory of creationism (Which is where The Bible comes from) Says that god created earth, and man, etc. So, Neanderthal man isn't in the bible because, well, if you are a creationist, The theory of evolution is wrong, and there is no place for neanderthal man. i.e. he never existed.

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13y ago

apparently little was known of prehistoric life when the Bible was written. it is noted that Caves were used ( logically enough, as they were secure from all but the wildest tomb vandals) underground- and I believe the Biblical character Sarah ( wife of Abraham) was buried in a cave. There is some evidence that even Jesus may have been born in a Cave-like enclosure- the stable might have been a sort of lean-to into a cave. Bishop Sheen took this position but did not intend to ( flintstone-ize_ the gospel. but did mention they were looking for the wrong Man in the Cave. ( see the book the Eternal Galilean) by Sheen.

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