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An array is a primitive data type. It is the element type that may or may not be primitive.

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Q: Why arrays are not primitive data type?
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Should element in an array must be of primitive data type?

No, it can be array, structure or union as well.

Is string arr a non primitive data type?

Depends on the context of the question you were asking from, there are 2 distinct answers: Yes and NO. In the narrowest definition, any array is NOT a primitive data type in C#. Hence a string array is NOT a primitive data type in that context. A string itself, however, is a primitive data type. Some developers would like to extend the definition of "primitives" into the arrays, collections, and Enumeration. Thus, in this context, an array of string IS a primitive data type.

Is string is primitive or user defined data type?

String - is primitive data typestring - is user defined data type

What is different between primitive date type and non primitive data type in c plus plus programming language?

A primitive data type is built into the language - int, char, long, etc. A non-primitive data type is am abstract data type that is built out of primitive data types - linked list, queue, stack, etc.

What is primary data type in C?

The terms "primary data type" and "secondary data type" are not exactly correct when working in C. Instead, C has what are called "primitive data types" or, in some references, "basic types" - types which can be affected by arithmetic operators. Other data types include structs, arrays, and unions. Structs, arrays and unions cannot be affected as a whole by arithmetic operators, although the members within that are primitive data types can be. Pointers can technically be affected by arithmetic operators, particularly +, -, ++ and --, but because their values are expected to be used as addresses, they're not considered to be primitive in nature. There are three primitive data types in C: integers, real numbers and complex numbers. Integers have no decimal points and can be signed or unsigned, and real and complex numbers are signed and have decimal points. Boolean types are represented by integers, most commonly "int" under Posix-style systems. More information about primitive data types can be found in the related links below

Related questions

Should element in an array must be of primitive data type?

No, it can be array, structure or union as well.

Is string arr a non primitive data type?

Depends on the context of the question you were asking from, there are 2 distinct answers: Yes and NO. In the narrowest definition, any array is NOT a primitive data type in C#. Hence a string array is NOT a primitive data type in that context. A string itself, however, is a primitive data type. Some developers would like to extend the definition of "primitives" into the arrays, collections, and Enumeration. Thus, in this context, an array of string IS a primitive data type.

Is string is primitive or user defined data type?

String - is primitive data typestring - is user defined data type

What is different between primitive date type and non primitive data type in c plus plus programming language?

A primitive data type is built into the language - int, char, long, etc. A non-primitive data type is am abstract data type that is built out of primitive data types - linked list, queue, stack, etc.

Where string is primitive data type of string data type?

String is not primitive data. Only char,int,double,and boolean are!

What are different data type in c?

primitive non primitive

What is Arrays?

Array is a collection of items of same data type..

What is primary data type in C?

The terms "primary data type" and "secondary data type" are not exactly correct when working in C. Instead, C has what are called "primitive data types" or, in some references, "basic types" - types which can be affected by arithmetic operators. Other data types include structs, arrays, and unions. Structs, arrays and unions cannot be affected as a whole by arithmetic operators, although the members within that are primitive data types can be. Pointers can technically be affected by arithmetic operators, particularly +, -, ++ and --, but because their values are expected to be used as addresses, they're not considered to be primitive in nature. There are three primitive data types in C: integers, real numbers and complex numbers. Integers have no decimal points and can be signed or unsigned, and real and complex numbers are signed and have decimal points. Boolean types are represented by integers, most commonly "int" under Posix-style systems. More information about primitive data types can be found in the related links below

Can you store non primitive data type in the array list?

Yes you can store non primitive data type variables in an array. String is a non primitive data type. You can declare a string array as: String a[]=new String[10];

Are arrays objects?

Yes. Arrays are objects in Java that store multiple variables of the same type. Arrays can hold either primitives or object references, but the array itself will always be an object on the heap, even if the array is declared to hold primitive elements. In other words, there is no such thing as a primitive array, but you can make an array of primitives

What is an arrey and how many types of arrey in details?

An array is a data type that describes a collection of ordered variables and types of arrays include vector arrays and matrix arrays.

Non primitive data type?

Struct or array.