

Why astronaut's cannot stand straight on the moon?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Gravity. No Gravity causes them to drift around and have no control over were they are going.

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Q: Why astronaut's cannot stand straight on the moon?
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How did the first astronauts know there was no gravity on the moon?

First of all there is gravity on the moon. If there was not astronauts would be floating in space nothing to stand on. Well, the astronauts would know by the first tests on the moon.

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So they can talk to each other and Earth, even though there is no air.Astronauts have radio transmitters on moon as they cannot communicate with each other.Sound cannot travel if there is no air. As there is no air on the moon astronauts need radio transmitters when they are on moon.

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At the moment, Astronauts cannot go to any planet but Earth.

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no, sound cannot travel to the vacuum of space

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While on the moon the astronauts lived in their lunar module.

How many Apollo astronauts were on the moon?

There were a total of 12 astronauts who walked on the moon.

The statement that astronauts on the Moon are weightless is?

The statement that astronauts on the Moon are weightless is true.

How did astronauts land on the moon?

The astronauts landed on the moon, with the help of the lunar module.

Can astronauts are able to stand straight on the moon?

Can they? Yes. Did they? for the most part, no. The reason they didn't was because of their backpacks, which carried the water for cooling and oxygen for breathing. The backpacks (or PLSS's) weighed about 125 pounds each. If the astronaut stood up straight on the moon, they'd be pulled over backwards from the weight of the PLSS. Astronauts who carried the scientific packages were able to walk fairly upright because they had so much weight in front of them to caounterbalance the weight of the PLSS.

What were the astronauts looking for on the moon?

The astronauts were collecting moon rocks and taking pictures as well.