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There is sufficient chemical driving force to cause most elements to react with other elements into contact with which the elements come.

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Q: Why atoms of most of the elements do not exist independently?
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How many solids are in the periodic table?

There are 118 elements in the periodic table, and most of them exist in solid form at room temperature and pressure. About 80% of the elements are classified as metals, with most of them being solids.

Why do most metals exist in earth's crust as compounds and not in the form of elements?

Oxygen is a good oxidizer ... and its been a loooong time.

What are molecular elements?

We might apply the term "molecular element" to an element that is not found as a single atom. Some examples might be in order to explain this.We often hear the term O2 applied to a gas in our atmosphere, which is the element oxygen. Oxygen is not generally found in the atmosphere in single atom units. It is found as diatomic molecules. We find that each oxygen atom has paired up with a "buddy" to form a "molecular element" and taken the form O2. Nitrogen, the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, also appears as the diatomic molecule N2.There are a few other elements that do not appear as "lone atoms" but will "hang around" with another atom of their kind. This is true of elemental gases, but not the inert or noble gases.

What happens to atoms of most nonmetals when they react with other elements?

They tend to gain electrons when reacting with a metal. Metals generally are short of a full octet by 1 to 4 valence electrons. It is easier to drop 2 electrons than try to gain 6 electrons. The elements in group four can go either way, but the other metals will give up electrons, and non-metals will take them.

What elements does not occur as a diatomic molecule?

Many elements do not exist as diatomic molecules. Metals, like iron, copper, silver, lead, etc. Even some nonmetals, helium, argon, sulfur, etc. Only a few do exist as diatomic molecules, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, fluorine, bromine, and maybe astatine.

Related questions

Why do atoms of the most of the elements not exist independently?

There is sufficient chemical driving force to cause most elements to react with other elements into contact with which the elements come.

Which is capable of independent existence an atom or molecule?

Atoms of most elements are not able to exist independently. Atoms form molecules or ions aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we can see. Molecule is capable of independent existence.

Do all elements have atoms and molecules?

All elements have atoms, but most do not form molecules.

What are most elements made of?


In which state of matter do most elements exist?

Most elements exist in the state of matter known as solids at room temperature and pressure. Some elements can also exist as liquids or gases depending on the conditions.

What are atoms that collide frequently and move independently of one another are most likely in a what?

A fluid - liquid or gas.

Does any element have different types of atoms?

Most elements have different types of atoms. These variations on an element's atoms are called isotopes and have different numbers of neutrons and thus different atomic masses. It is also possible to artificially create other isotopes of elements that do not exist "naturally," even for the few elements that normally have only one isotope (e.g. gold, arsenic, cobalt, aluminum, phosphorus).

Which elements atoms are most numerous in baking soda?

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), contains atoms of sodium (Na), hydrogen (H), carbon (C), and oxygen (O). Among these elements, the most numerous atoms in baking soda are oxygen (O) due to the presence of multiple oxygen atoms in the bicarbonate ion (HCO3-).

Why most elements not found in the free state in nature?

Most elements are sufficiently reactive so it can not exist in elemental form.

Can an atom exist without neutrons?

Yes. Most hydrogen atoms do not contain neutrons. All other atoms do.

When sodium atoms (Na) and chlorine atoms (Cl) join to make sodium chloride or table salt they form an ionic bond. Using this information which pair of elements is most likely to form an ionic bond?

The pair of elements that is most likely to form an ionic bond are potassium (K) and fluorine (F). This is because potassium is a metal (it can lose electrons) and fluorine is a nonmetal (it can gain electrons), making them likely to transfer electrons and form an ionic bond.

Are most of the periodic table isotopes?

No most of them are not isotopes. Few elements exist as isotopes.