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Q: Why atx form factor is the most common form factor used today?
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ATX, Actually todays most common motherboard form factor used is MicroATX

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Yoga is an integral part of Hindu spiritualism. It is practiced in many forms. Sahaj Yoga is the easiest and the most common form of Yoga, practiced by most common people.

What was before ATX?

Before the ATX form factor was released, XT, AT, and BabyAT were the most common standard form factors.

What is the most common form of democracy in today's world?

the most common form of democracy is............. first past the post i think?

Is greatest common factor a synonym or antonym?

Most Common Factor, Greatest Common Factor, Highest Common Factor... all the same thing.

What is the most common factor?

In math, a common factor usually refers to a factor that two or more numbers have in common. But, if you mean the most frequently occurring factor, that would be different. Since 1 divides every number, it would be the most common (frequently occurring) factor.

What is the most common form of transportation in the us today?

When traveling near by it is the car, and for far trips it is the plane.

What are the most inclusive among all the common factor?

1 is a common factor for all integers.

What is the most common form of democarcy in today's world?

A representative democracy (also known as a republic), as almost every country in the world has this form of government.

What is the most common factor of 28 and 84 and 91?

The greatest common factor of any set of integers is infinite.