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Crocs don't chew their food, they rip out lumps that they swallow. The stones help grind up the food in the stomach.

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6y ago

They don't usually ! However - the parents do carry the young crocodiles to the water's edge in their mouth (which is probably what you've seen !)

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Crocodile Birds eat the remains of what Crocodiles kill and eat (for example, the meat of a dead animal).

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A hatchling.

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NO! Crocodiles eat Jaguars, NOTHINGeats a crocodile BUT a crocodile eats anything.

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What does a baby crocodile like to do?

1. Eat. 2. Hide from things that might eat it. Until an animal is old enough to have sex, that's pretty much the schedule for all of them.

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Does a crocodile eat a eagle?

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