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Q: Why benzoic acid has higher boiling point compared to naphthalene?
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The presence of strong hydrogen bonding in ethyl alcohol (when compared to that of dimethylether) increases its boiling point.

What can you notice about the temperature of sea water during boiling?

The boiling point of sea water is higher compared with pure water. Temperature remain constant during boiling.

What is the Hypothesis of the melting and freezing point of naphthalene?

The higher the temperature, the more the naphthalene to be melt.

Are water's melting and boiling temperatures higher lower or average compared to other liquids?

This is only a relative appreciation.

What is the relation between the altitude compared to sea level and the boiling point of water?

In general, the higher the altitude, the lower the pressure, and the lower the pressure the lower the boiling point.

Why does halogens exist as a gas at room temperature?

They have a generally low boiling point, as compared to something like water with a higher boiling point and is a liquid at room temperature.

How does the melting point of ionic compounds compared to that of covalent compounds?

Ionic compounds generally have higher melting and boiling points.

Compared to the Pacific Ocean does a cup of hot chocolate have a higher temperature?

hot chocolate, its made from boiling water. the pacific ocean does not reach the temperature of boiling water, or no life would survive there.

Does chlorine or oxygen has higher boiling point?

Chlorine has higher boiling point.

Why benzoic acid unmelt even 200 Celsius?

Benzoic Acid has a melting point of 122oC. If your sample did not melt even at 200oC, then you can only assume that the sample in Whole or Part was not Benzoic Acid. It must have been contaminated with some other compound with a much higher melting point.

Which has the higher temperature - boiling water or ice?

boiling water

How does pressure affect boiling point?

The boiling point is that temperature when the SATURATEDvapor pressure of a liquidbecomes equal tothe surrounding pressure.Thus the higher the sorrounding pressure, the higher the boiling point.