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After either changing or stopping with the use of Birth Control pills, it is quite common to have a result such as brown or even darker period. It is normal, the experts say, mostly due to uteral lining, which stopped being thick as it was prior to taking birth control pills.

No reason to worry as long as the visits to the doctor are regular and pills aren't taken without proper physical exam

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Q: Why black period after stopping taking birth control pill?
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How soon do you get your period if you stop taking birth control?

Most women will have their period within a week or two of stopping birth control pills, and may be fertile from the first day they stop taking it. If you have stopped taking birth control and have not had your regular period as expected, you need a pregnancy test to be sure whether you are pregnant or not.

Can stopping birth control cause irregular periods?

Yes it is possible to experience an irregular menstral cycle when you discontinue taking birth control. This is because when you take birth control it actually regulates your period. By stopping birth control you may experience breakthrough bleeding. Breakthrough bleeding is when you menstruate at times when you normally would not begin your menstral cycle. Breakthrough bleeding can possibly last for up to a full period or longer. Stopping birth control may also stop your period for a month or longer or you may not receive your period around the normal time of which you used to when you were taking your birth control.It depends sometimes you're period gets normal after birth control but sometimes it may still keep being irregular. It depends on the person and or pills

How can you get your period without taking birth control?

Your period will come naturally. Birth control does not help you get your period. Your body decides when you will get your period.

What period is the actual regular period not because of stopping birth control?

It varies, about 28 days.

Are you more likely to have a miscarriage after birth control?

No, there is no increased rate of miscarriage for women who are pregnant while taking birth control or who get pregnant after stopping birth control.

Does stopping taking the pill mess up getting pregnant?

Taking the birth control pill lowers the risk of pregnancy. Not taking the birth control pill does not lower the risk of pregnancy. You are more likely to get pregnant when you are not taking the birth control pill.

Should you get your period around the same days after stopping taking birth control pills?

No you will unfortunately not get your period around the same time as you previously did. It will take 3 months for the hormones in birth control to be out of your system and because of this it can take this long for your periods to regulate themselves.

Can you get your period earlier by stopping your birth control pills now?

Yes. I do that sometimes.

What if you stopped taking birth control and the following month your period only lasted for 3 days?

A three-day period may be your new normal, may be a fluke due to recently stopping birth control, or may be due to pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test.

When should you start taking your birth control after stopping the pill when you had your period 3 weeks ago?

Start taking it today. Use a back up method of birth control, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken seven pills in a row correctly.

Is it normal to have a period for 3 days when you just got off birth control?

A short period is common when stopping hormonal birth control. Your regular period should return in four to six weeks.

What can you do to stop depression after stopping taking birth control?

Depression is complicated and you need a doctor's help for that.