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because we want to have sex with them

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Q: Why boys pick girl because of there look not there personality?
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Whats on the boys like girls cover?

well men usually look for the beauty of the female and not the personality. also a boys cover a girl usually looks for the personality.

What do boys look in a girl?

a guy looks for a girl with a good personality good lookin and someone that's easy goin

Do girls like boys because they are good looking?

No its a lie... Girls like boys of their personality and how well they treat them not on how they look, so if a girl only likes you on your looks don't go out with them.. :) But it is up to you...

What do boys love from girl?

Well depends how old you are. But boys usually want a girl with a good personality. Or if they are perverted then they want sex all the time, but unless your desprit don't do that. So yeah just a good personality.

What do 6th grade boys look for in a girl?

Well im a boy and what we look for in girls is mainly their hair and looks and personality. wow we boys dont look for that! yuk! we look for if your nice and being urself boys are different so like everybody says: be yourself. but i agree with the dude that wrote the second question, looks and personality and i guess the hair.

What is the first thing girls at men?

Well i am a girl, I look at the eyes, funniness, good personality. there is loads of things good about boys lol

Why do many girls say boys are cute is it about how they look or their attitude?

It depends on the girl. Some girls call a guy cute do to their personality. Others call a guy cute do to their looks. It really depends on the girl who says it. It is even possible that the girl likes you for your personality and your looks.

How look good for a boy?

well..... boys usually like it when a girl doesn't wear too much makeup.... it all depends what kind of personality he has.......

What do shy guys look for in a girl?

Most likely personality. Shy guys would also try to look for how comfortable they are around the girl... if they could truly be themselves and be comfortable with her then I could see them falling for her (: Looks might not always matter for them, but it could be a plus (: shy boys definitely look for personality, the way that girl makes them feel and if he feels a connection.

What does girl look in boys?

It deppends on the girl.

Do boys like girls that are not cool?

There is no right or wrong to this question because some boys like girls that look hot and sexy and some boys like girls because of their personality. Im a boy so trust me.

Boys like look?

yes, mostly all of them ,but there are boys who like you for looks, boys who like you for you/ personality, and boys that like you for both.