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Q: Why brain send signal to the body?
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How does your body communicate to coordinate a reaction?

well it send a signal to the brain

What do neurotransmitters do?

it can get impulses from the axons to the dendrites

How does each part of the body work?

The brain sends asignal to a part of the part of the body that is needed at a certain time for example, if the arm wants to go somewhere the brain will send a signal to tell it to move to the direction that it is needed. So the answer to this question is the brain make all parts of the body work.

Does left or right handers have faster reflexes?

A right handed person has to send a signal from the right side of the brain to the left side before the signal is sent to the body. A left handed person gets the signal direcly on the left side of the brain, therby left handed person have slightly faster reflexes.

How does the brain balance the body?

The brain balances the body by all of the blood goes to your brain and it tells your nerevs to send meassages to your body in which to do. ----

What happens when you step on a sharp object?

There are millions of pain nerves in your body, and if your body experiences pain in an area of your body, then the pain nerves send a signal to your brain at approx. 300 mph, telling your brain that something just hurt you.

Where is the signal to transferred to the association nerve cells?

The signal comes from the brain, down the spinal cord, and down to the nerve cells that need to send the stimulus signal. The signal also runs vice versa, up the spinal cord and into the brain.

The rods and cones send signal to the brain along a thick nerve called the?

Optical nerve

How does the nervous system work or process?

Each neuron sends a signal to the next. These signals control all functions of the body and are made up of neurotransmitters. All sensory neurons send information to the brain and the brain decodes it and sends information to systems of the body to regulate what is happening.

What is the fuction of the spinal cord?

the spinal cord help send signal down or up from the brain to the limbs

What is the main job of the human brain?

it is to send messages to the body

What are the importance of nerves on your body?

To send electrical impulses from the body to the brain, and vice versa.