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I may not be correct but Scout learns from Atticus from the start of the book till the trial to judge others fairly and that if she wants to understand someone thoroughly she has to 'climb into other people's skin and walk around with it'. She does this to Mayella and finds out that Mayella is a lonely girl. She has no friends as she is too poor to mix with the whites but can't mix with the blacks because she is a white, therefore when Tom Robinson treats her well she thinks he likes her therefore lost her mind when she tried to kiss him. Hope I answered your question!

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Atticus believes in treating all individuals with dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances. He sees pity as condescending and believes that Mayella deserves to be treated as an equal, not as someone to be pitied. Atticus's commitment to justice and fairness guides his interactions with all individuals, including Mayella.

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she thinks Mayella is the loneliest person she knows.

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She sees how lonely Mayella is. She thinks of her as the most lonely person.

Ms. Cottril;)

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Q: Why can't Atticus pity Mayella?
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Why does atticus sat that he has pity on mr.Ewell's daughter?

Atticus says he has pity on Mr. Ewell's daughter, Mayella, because he sees her as a victim of her father's abuse and her harsh living conditions. He empathizes with her difficult situation and recognizes the lack of love and care in her life. Atticus believes that Mayella's actions are driven by fear and loneliness rather than malice.

What feeling do both tom and Atticus have for mayella?

They both feel pity, I think. Tom feels pity for her because she's always at the house working or taking care of the children and Atticus feels pity for her because she is poor, uneducated, living in squalor and her dad's an alcoholic and beats her.

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Actually, Atticus doesnt mock Mayella. Mayella thinks Atticus is mocking her because he is caller her Ma'am and Miss Mayella, which she isnt used to.

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Atticus suggests that Mayella's father, Bob Ewell, beat her. He mentions during the trial that it was likely Bob Ewell who harmed Mayella out of anger and frustration, rather than Tom Robinson.

What does atticus says mayella is guilty of?

"Tempting a Negro"

Who yelled at the jury and Atticus?

Bob Ewell or Mayella

Why is mayella's reaction to atticus' behavior in court ironic?

Mayella's reaction to Atticus' behavior in court is ironic because Atticus is the only person actually trying to defend her and seek justice for her, yet she is hostile towards him. Despite his efforts to help her, Mayella feels threatened by Atticus' questioning and sees him as an enemy due to her prejudiced views.

What point does atticus try to establish through Mayella's testimony or lack of it?

Atticus aims to show that Mayella is not a reliable witness by poking holes in her story and highlighting inconsistencies. He tries to establish that Mayella's accusations against Tom Robinson are a result of her own personal issues and not based on factual events. Atticus demonstrates that her testimony lacks credibility, bringing into question the integrity of the case against Tom.

Why did mayella become angry with atticus when he questioned her?

Mayella became angry with Atticus when he questioned her because she felt humiliated and defensive. Atticus was challenging her version of events during the trial, which made Mayella uncomfortable and angry. She may have also felt frustrated by the fact that Atticus was exposing the truth behind her false accusations.

How did Mayella react to the politeness of Atticus?

Mayella Ewell was surprised and taken aback by Atticus's politeness during the trial. She had likely never encountered someone treating her with respect and courtesy before, which made her uncomfortable and defensive.