

Why can't a zonkey reproduce?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Why can't a zonkey reproduce?
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Can a zonkey reproduce?

No, a zonkey cannot reproduce because the zebra has 46 chromosomes and the donkey has 62, therefore they do not have the ability to reproduce.

What is a zonkey?

A zonkey is an offspring of a zebra and a donkey.

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You can reproduce.

How was a zonkey made?

A zonkey is made when a zebra and a donkey mate or when humans breed them.

Is the zonkey an invertebrate or vertebrate?

A zonkey - a zebra/donkey hybrid - is a vertebrate.

What does zonkey eat?

A Zonkey follows an herbivorous diet pattern and likes to eat shoots, grass and flowers.

Carnivores can exist in a plant free world if their prey would reproduce enough?

no because their prey will not have anything to eat so it will start to die and if they cant eat they cant live, if they cant live then they cant reproduce, if they cant reproduce then the carnivores will die. So to speak, if one thing in the food chain is gone most likely the whole chain is broken.

Why zonkeys are usually sterile?

I really have no clue where the last person got the information, but that's totally off. Zonkey's are usually sterile because the Zebra and the Donkey just weren't supposed to mate. But when kept in captivity together, they have no choice come mating season. The Zonkey just doesn't have the proper chromosomes or cells to reproduce.

Whats interesting about the animal zonkey?

What is interesting about the animal zonkey is that it is a sterile creature, and just like the Mule and Liger, cannot produce its own offspring.

Where does a zonkey live?

it lives in keki, south africa

Where do zonkey lives?

Zonkeys live in south Africa

What are animals ending with key?

Monkey, Donkey, Turkey, Howler monkey, Zonkey, squirrel monkey