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Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a disorder which is autoimmune affecting the small bowel, which appears in the case of genetically predisposed persons belonging to all age categories, after first infancy stages. Its symptoms can be diarrhoea or fatigue, although these can be symptoms of other diseases too.

Colour Blindness

Colour blindness, or deficiency to perceive colours can be of genetic nature, but can as well appear because of brain, eye, or nerve damage, or because of contact with some chemicals products. In 1798, the English chemist John Dalton studied for the first time this aspect, that is why it is sometimes called daltonism.

Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a hereditary disorder which features problems related to cognitive ability, physical evolution, and facial traits. It is called after John Langdon Down, the doctor who described it in 1866, in Britain. Most of the time, it is detected at birth.

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder which can affect the entire body, leading to gradual disability and death.

The most common symptoms are difficulty breathing and not enough enzyme production in the pancreas. Low immune system and dense mucous production lead to frequent lung infections, that are treated, but not always cured, sometimes by intravenous and oral antibiotics. Many other symptoms, like sinus infections, poor evolution, diarrhoea can be effects of this disorder in the case of other parts of the body. Sometimes, recurrent lung infections during infancy or childhood may be a sign of cystic fibrosis.

Cri du Chat

Cri du chat syndrome is a rare genetic disorder which affects an approximately 1 in 20,000 to 50,000 live births. The disease does not depend on ethnic backgrounds, but is most common in the case of women. The disorder gets its name from the typical cry of babies born with this syndrome. The baby sounds like a kitten, because of problems with the nervous system and larynx. The good news is that about 1/3 of kids recover by the age of 2. Negative aspects of this disease may be:

1. Feeding problems because they can't suck and swallow well

2. Low weight at birth and poor evolution

3. Motor, cognitive, and speech delays

4. Behavioural

problems such as aggression, hyperactivity, and repetitive movements

5. Uncommon facial traits that can change in time

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There is no cure for Cri du chat yet. but hopefully there is someday

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what research is currently being done on cri-du-chat

How do you diagnose cri-du-chat?

See cri-du-chat-syndrome-diagnosis

What are the cures and treatments for cri du chat?

See cri-du-chat-syndrome-treatment

What percent of the world's population has cri du chat syndrome?

Cri Du Chat syndrome is a rare Genetic disorder. About 10% of the population has Cri Du chat. There is no cure to this disease.

What are the symptoms of Cri Du chat syndrome?

See cri-du-chat-syndrome-causes-and-symptoms

What is cri du chat scientific name?

The scientific name for cri du chat is 5p deletion syndrome.

Is cri du chat fatal?

No, People with Cri Du Chat actually live a generally normal life. ~

Who is most likely to get cri du chat a male or female?

The person that is most likely to get cri du chat is YOUR MOM

Is cri du chat preventable?

no it is not

Where is cri du chat located?

Cri du Chat Syndrome or Chromosome 5p- is a chromosomal condition that results in brain abnormalities.

How many people currently have cri-du-chat syndrome?

I believe that approximately 1 out of 200,000-500,00 people has cri du chat

What is cri du chat in English?

It translates to "Cry of the cat." Cri du chat is a chromosomal disorder characterized by a cat-like cry in infants.