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Drones are males hatched from unfertilized eggs. They don't collect nectar, nor do they have a sting. A drones' primary role is to mate with a fertile queen. They die after mating. If food is scarce, the drones are driven from the hive, rather than use up resources.

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Q: Why can't drones bees gather their own food?
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Are nurse bees females?

Yes. All worker bees are females. The males are the drones, and they do no work in the hive, nor do they forage for food.

Why can't drones gather their own food?

Bees are colonial insects, the heart of the colony is the fertile female queen and for most of the time she lays fertilised eggs that mature into female worker bees. As these workers mature they do a variety of jobs in the hive until in their final stages of life they go out and find food. If a queen bee dies the workers will select a recently laid egg and feed the grub produced with a special food called "royal jelly" this causes the grub to grow into a new queen be that will take over the hive. During the summer the queen will also lay some unfertilised eggs which will when they hatch turn into male bees called drones. The purpose of the drones is to fly with and mate new queen bees that is what the beehive has made them for. They can not work or forage for food and die off quickly. They are also special in that they can enter any hive without the hive killing them (any other bee would be attacked if it went to another hive) as their purpose is to spread a hives genes between hives. When the mating season is over the hives will kill off all the drones. ======================================================================= Drones are biologically different from other bees in a colony and only the worker bees have the ability to collect pollen and nectar.

Do both female and male bees make honey?

No, only the female worker bees make honey. The female queen bee and the male drone bees do not make or gather food themselves. The queen spends her time laying eggs while the drones have only one purpose, to mate with a queen when she is on her one and only mating flight. The drones are only produced in the spring/summer and are killed off each year once their job is done. For more info on bees, see the Related Link below ;-)

Why are there different types of bees?

Well, Theres killer bees. And honey bees. Honey bees collect food for there family/home members. Killer bees protect the hive and also try to gather food honey bees dont sting. there nice =))

How many male bees live in a hive?

Usually none, all the working bees are infertile females. Only when the hive is about to swarm a number of drones (male bees) are hatched. Around 1% of the bees in a colony during the season are male. Only during winter are there no males in the colony.

What is the opposit gender is bee?

AnswerOpposite of Bee is 'Drone'----Male bees are called drones; female bees are the queen and the workers.

Is the honey bee a good parent?

Yes. Honey bees spend the first three weeks of their lives looking after eggs and younger bees. ***** In any honey bee hive or colony, it is the Queen that lays the eggs. The worker bees (all infertile females) have the task of rearing the young, which will either develop into worker bees (infertile females) or drones (male). In times when food is scarce, the drones may be driven out of the hive or colony. So, it is not really about good parenting, as to instinctive collective parenting!

How do bees reproduce their own kind?

Bees come in three types:-Drones (sexually mature male bees)Queens (sexually mature female bees) - (there is only one Queen in a nest)Workers (sexually immature female bees)A Queen, after hatching, goes on a mating flight and copulates with a Drone during this flight. She then stores the sperm from this flight for the rest of her life.The Queen then returns to the nest and starts laying eggs. To make Drones she lays unfertilised eggs. To make Workers she lays fertilised eggs.The workers feed and care for the eggs and larva and also gather food for the colony.If the nest is becoming crowded or the Queen dies, the workers feed one of the eggs with special rich food (called "royal jelly"), this causes it to develop into a new Queen.

Why can't drones gather food?

Reaper Drones can't gather food because they are heavily armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and cannot kill the food for capture without also blowing the crap out of everything within five miles, and vaporising the food. Generally, they hunt in swarms, providing support to the working infantry, which help to kill and collect food for the Drones, and themselves, to eat. Over the past decade, the diet of the Workers and the Drones has varied; at first it was the Russian equivalent of the Workers, but more recently, after a sudden territory invasion by these same Russian Workers that used to be their food, and at threat of habitat loss, they began to feast on members of their own colony, most notably their own "Emperor" Worker, named by scientists as "General Shepard", before, enraged, attacking members of the Russian Workers and eventually killing and eating their leader, named as "Vladimir Makarov".

What do the male bees do around the hive?

In a word: nothing. Male bees (drones) have only one purpose in life, to mate with new queens and will be out of the hive looking for queens whenever the weather is suitable. They do no work at all within the hive. For this reason, at the end of the summer all of the drones are thrown out of the hive to die so they are not a drain on precious food resources during the winter. In the spring the queen will start laying new drone eggs for that season's drones.

Are worker bees driven out of the hive in the autumn?

The queen doesn't, but the workers do. They throw the drones out of the hive to die at the end of the season. It may seem hard, but the queen's egg laying is much reduced, and there will be no new queens until the next season. The drones do no work in the hive -- they are only there to mate with new queens. They would just be a drain on valuable food resources during the winter, and the queen can lay new drone eggs in the spring.

How do bees pollinate flowers while they gather food?

While collecting nectar from inside the flower they collect pollen on their bodies and deposit in other flowers.