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Because metal and plastic arent the same materials so metal goes with the flow through static electricity but plastic cant.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The electrons in it are not touching, so when electricity comes into contact with it can't flow through.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

plastic is not a conductor. Metal and water are conductors, plastic isn't.

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Q: Why can't electricity flow through plastic?
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Yes, electricity can flow through metal.

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well i suppose it is because there are no free electrons (electricity cant flow without free electrons)

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Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. The main materials that do not allow the easy flow of electrons are rubber, nylon wood, glass, ceramic, plastic and free air.

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Conductors are any material that conducts the flow of electricity, which would include Copper. Insulators are any material that restricts the flow of electricity which would include plastic.