

Why can't i produce tears?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Why can't i produce tears?
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You will start to see tears anywhere between 1 to 3 months of age. Babies do not produce enough liquid to produce tears for w while they only produce enough to lubricate the eye.

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What glands produce tears?

The Lacrimal Gland

What are the lacrimals?

They are glands near the eye that produce tears, or the solution that covers your eye.

How much tears can we produce?

there are some ppl who say you can only cry 70 liters of tears in ur life- hope that helps -( smile fatima)

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men cant produce

Tears are produced by the lacrimal glands?

The Lacrimal gland is responsible for the production of tears. There are two of these glands, located above the outer corners of each eye. While these glands produce tears, there is a series of ducts, canals, and sacs that help transport the tears.

What is the part of the eye that produce tears?

"The organ that produces tears is the lacrymiform wich his located near the eye."from, another answer with the same question