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Q: Why can't i put my whole finger up my bum?
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When you have starded your period and you put your finger up your bum do you have a baby?

no it is tactically sperm cells :s

How do you finger b natural?

you have to put 2 fingers in the wholes and then you left finger goes in the whole in the back of you recorder.

What does ''ik voel als wij Allen daar die onze eed neemt'' mean in English?

i put my finger up in bum my and smelled it

What is the biggest thing you can put up your bum?

your finger A toy as long as it's clean Whatever you do, if it wasn't designed to go in there then don't put it in!

How do you do the finger trick where you cant physically lift up another finger?

to do this trick you put your hand flat on a table then lift up your middle finger and put it underneath your hand as much as possible then try to lift your fourth finger up the one next to your pinky) it is impossible... hope this helped...

If your finger gets cut off do you put it in cold milk?

No! If you cut your finger off, whether it be your whole finger or just the tip, you should not place it in milk or any liquid as it will shrink. Instead, place the finger in an airtight bag and in turn, place the bag on ice. Do not put the finger directly on the ice. Take the finger to the ER with you

Why would your left testicle tingle?

you might need to go tell the doctor that when you put your finger up your bum and it bleeds that's when your ball tingling.

How do you fix android not responding?

U put in your bum bum and it goes wet

What is the definition retardo?

It has something to do with music, i just cant put my finger on it. I believe its when a certain part of a music piece slows down.

How do you tan your bum?

Put him out in the sun.

How could you tell if your mate is gay?

Action: Put your finger in his bum. Scenario A: He enjoys it and asks for more fingers. Conclusion: He is a little gay Scenario B: He slaps you Conclusion: He is gay but hiding it. Scenario C: He slams his throbbing member in your bum Conclusion: You are now both gay

When was Put the Finger on You created?

Put the Finger on You was created in 1981.