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maybe because there is no atmosphere or oxygen? that's just me, though.

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Q: Why can't living organisms live on the moon?
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Why cant moon support living things?


Do living things have to live on the surface of the planet barman where else on a planet or moon could scientist look for evidence of life?

Where ever there is water, ther is a good possibility for living organisms

Do any monkeys live on the moon?

There are no living creatures on the moon.

Living organisms cannot breathe on the moon because it lacks what?

It lacks water and an atmosphere

Do living things have to live on the surface of a planet or moon?


Does the moon have fertile ground?

As yet no living organisms have been found in the samples brought back from the moon. As there is no air on the moon, and all organisms have to breath air, the fertility of the ground is most unlikely, but I may stand corrected on this matter.

Is there humans living on or bin the moon yet?

No, there is no way a human could live on the moon.

Do you need a spacesuit to go to europa moon?

well if its a moon in has to be inspace and you cant live without air so yes you do

Is there any proof that we are the only organisms in the entire galaxy?

No, in fact there is water on the moon and that discovery may lead to scientist concluding that there are other organisms living in the galaxy.

Does Becky ride unicorns on the moon?

Yes. This is because unicorns live on the moon because they cant survive on the Earth due to oxygen.

Is the moon getting out of orbit?

the moon is moving 3 centimeters a, in a LONG time there will be no moon. And we cant live without it...but most of you who are reading this will be long gone!

Did buzz really fly to the moon?

No, coz if it does, it cant live on Earth, it can breath Space air