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Q: Why can't pandas mate well in captivity?
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Do red pandas breed well in captivity?

no they dont.

How do you mate with a male in WolfQuest?

well, if your on story, then you must find a mate and it just automatically happens but if you aren't on story.... you cant mate so there's that.

What is more endangered panda or blue whale?

Well... There are more blue whales than Pandas. But Pandas can be kept, bred and raised in captivity, protected. You can't do that to blue whales. So I'd say the blue whale is at greater risk of exctinction than the pandas.

Do red pandas stick in groups?

Pandas live alone and only seek another panda to mate. They are very territorial and scent areas that they consider their turf.

What is a pandas lifespan?

The Giant Pandas life span has not been well documented in the wild and no one is really sure how long they live without human intervention. It is known that they can live anywhere from 20 to 30 years in captivity and they have even been known to exceed 40 years when well cared for.

Do pandas sneeze the same way that humans do?

Because pandas have almost the same type of respiratory system as human, they do indeed sneeze in almost the same way. Sinus infections and allergies are two of the most common reasons for chronic sneezing amongst pandas in the wild as well as those in captivity.

Why are pandas not nice to peoples?

Well, think of it this way. If you were an animal with the instincs to protect it's self to unfamiliar surroundings you wouldn't be nice either! Pandas raised in captivity often aren't nice due to their instincs. But, pandas that have been raised to be nice are. But stay away from pandas in the wild. People kill their homes so humans are DEFINTALY NOT on there Be nice to list. Questions? Email me at

How many pandas are happy in captivity?

1. How many pandas are in captivity? There were about 150 captive pandas in 2000. 2. How many countries have pandas in zoos? Six. They are China, USA, France, Germany, Mexico, Japan and North Korea. 3. How do captive pandas help conservation of pandas in the wild? The main conservation purpose of panda breeding would be to re-introduce captive pandas into the wild to supplement the wild population. But until now, scientists have not succeeded in this goal. Studying captive pandas can also help us learn about panda behavior so we can help giant pandas survive in the wild. And captive pandas can be used to educate the public and raise funds for wild panda conservation. 4. Where is the biggest panda breeding center? The largest breeding center is the Wolong Panda Breeding Center in Wolong Nature Reserve (Sichuan province). There are about 50 captive pandas in the center. 5. How many cubs have been born in captivity? The first captive cub was born in 1963. Up until September 1997, 193 cubs (from 130 litters) were born in captivity. 6. Have any captive pandas been reintroduced to the wild? Captive born pandas have never been reintroduced to the wild. Some sick or injured wild pandas have been taken into captivity for treatment and then released back into the forest. 7. Are there plans to reintroduce captive pandas into the wild? The State Forestry Administration and Wolong Breeding Center are developing a plan to reintroduce captive pandas to the wild. this is from they love to poop 29 million About 300 pandas are in captive. these pandas are wild animals

How many pandas are there now?

The best estimate is that there are approximately 1600 pandas in the wild and 200 in captivity, according to Pandas International.

Do zebras adapt well to living in captivity?

In a way, better if they were born in captivity.

Do pandas work well in a team?

No, pandas are solitary animals except for a mother with cubs. They do no tolerate other pandas in their territory.

Will a dog get pregnrant each time they mate?

well it depends on the dog because some times it might not get pregnant because it cant or it has not been fertalised