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Sharks are one of the mostsuccessfulcreatures on Earth,unchanged for around the past 250 million years.

They are in every respect perfectly adapted to life in the ocean, and those adaptation occurred long before the first land based animals.

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Q: Why can't sharks be land animals?
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Can sharks live on land?

No. Sharks cant survive on land because they need water to breath in... they cant breath in the humman oxygen ..... Some shark like the browned bamboo can survive for about ten minutes.

Are there public beaches that sharks live in Nevada?

Sharks are oceanic animals and Nevada is a land-locked state with no borders to oceans.

What great white sharks can eat land animals?

Any that fall into the water

How are land animals and sea animals different?

Because ponys cant drive boats.

Where can i buy a shark?

sharks are exotic animals so you cant buy one and keep it as your pet, however you can go to any local petstore and they will usually have bala sharks

Why can't dragon sharks live on land?

there not ment to live on land because there sharks and sharks don't live on land

How are sharks science?

sharks are animals so they are science and animals is in science

How are sharks and people different?

Sharks are fish, the have gills and fins. Us, on the other hand, have hands, are are land "animals" and run or drive cars instead of swim to get around.

Why did sharks come before dinosaurs mammals amphibians and primates?

Sharks are fish. Since life got started in the oceans, fish had a long head start over land animals.

Does zoo tycoon 2 - marine mania also have land animals?

yes it does you get sea lion pacific wailrus and some more i cant remember now but it do have land animals

Are lemon sharks poisonous?

Sharks are not poisonous animals.

Are dinosaurs really sharks?

Sharks are Sharks and dinosaurs are dinosaurs. But there were animals recognizable as Sharks living when the dinosaurs did.