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It Can it needs a medium to travel

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Q: Why can't sound travel through a medium?
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Why cant sound waves travel through a vaccuum?

No medium to carry the sound energy.

What can light travel through that sound cant travel through?

light can travel through a vacuum whereas sound cant

What does sound need to travel through?

Sound (and vibration) are a wave system of sequential compressions and rarefactions of a material. These waves are mechanical and do need a substance through which to travel. They cannot travel through a vacuum.

Why cant sound trave through empty space?

Why cant sound travel through empty space

Why cant you hear on the moon?

Because there's no air or other form of atmosphere. Sound need some sort of medium to travel through.

Why cant you listen sound on the moon?

There is no air for sound to travel through.

What sound cant travel through?

sound can't travel through a vacuum. or a place without air.

Why can't sound travel on an asteroid?

sound cant travel on an asteroid because it has no atmosphere. it could travel through it.

Can light and sound travel through space?

light can but sound cant as there is no air

Explain why cant sound travel through vacuums?

there is no air in a vaccum. and sound needs air for the sound waves to travel through.

Why cant sound travel through outer?

Sound, unlike light, needs a medium through which to travel. Sound relies on vibrating molecules or particles. Sound can travel through air at about 3 km/s as it vibrates particles and then the neighbouring particles etc. but it can travel much faster through steel because the particles are much more tightly packed.In outer space there are not enough particles to vibrate, no neighbouring particles for the very few particles that are there. No particles means that there is no sound.

Why cant sound travel through outer space?

Sounds requires a medium to travel through. An example is air. You've also heard sound travel through water and solid objects like wood. In the past it was often thought that no medium exists in space. However, in current astronomy and astrophysics it is thought that dark matter is the medium by which sound can and does travel about space. Due to the atoms being so spread out though, the human ear would not be capable of detecting the sound waves. For more information check out: