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"CON" is a reserved DOS device name, along with "PRN", "AUX" and "NUL".

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Q: Why can't we create any file in windows as CON?
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Why can't you create a folder named CON in Windows or MS-DOS?

In MS-DOS, several special "device files" were available to aid in performing certain tasks, such as clearing the screen or deleting extraneous output from a program. In order to maintain backwards-compatibility, all versions of Windows up to and including Windows 7 will refuse to allow you to create a file with these "reserved" device file names. The following file names are reserved:CONPRNAUXNULCOM1COM2COM3COM4COM5COM6COM7COM8COM9LPT1LPT2LPT3LPT4LPT5LPT6LPT7LPT8LPT9CON, incidentally, was a device file used to capture whatever was printed onscreen.

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con mucha paciencia

What are con prn aux nul in windows?

"Prn con aux nul " these are the words which can crash the OS. ANY CALL MADE TO OS FROM THESE NAMES IT WILL CRASH THE OS.. In win 98 just create a HTML file as shown below: <HTML> <body> <a href ="c:\con\con">click here </a> </body> </HTML> After creating the file save with extension .HTML ,,,, and click the link the OS will automatically crash itself... To avoid this problem windows do not allow users to create that kind of named folders,. for further details contact me at:

Why cant we create a con folder in PC?

we can create a con folder in pc by using ms-dos create a con folder in C-drive by typing mkdir<space>\con\<press enter>... now u can see the folder con created in C-DRIVE OR ANY DRIVEs.. we can remove using rmdir<space>\con\<press enter>.............

Why cant you name a folder 'con' in windows?

Because there is already a folder with that name, it's called configurations, 'con' for short.

Why can't we make a folder named con?

In MS-DOS, several special "device files" were available to aid in performing certain tasks, such as clearing the screen or deleting extraneous output from a program. In order to maintain backwards-compatibility, all versions of Windows up to and including Windows Vista will refuse to allow you to create a file with these "reserved" device file names. The following file names are reserved:CONPRNAUXNULCOM1COM2COM3COM4COM5COM6COM7COM8COM9LPT1LPT2LPT3LPT4LPT5LPT6LPT7LPT8LPT9CON, incidentally, was a device file used to capture whatever was printed onscreen.

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Why is it not possible to save a Microsoft document named con?

"CON" is a reserved device name - short for console. Microsoft will not allow you to create any folders or documents named as such, regardless of whether the file has an extension or not (i.e. con.txt, con.doc, etc.).

What is the DOS commands to create a text file?

There are different ways to create file..Run this command - "copy con abc.txt" .. It will give you the blank space.. Write the contents of that file and then press F6 and then press Enter..Run this command - "edit abc.txt" .. It will open the DOS editor.. Write the contents of the file and then press Ctrl Z.Please note that file will be created at the current path.. If you are working at C:\data, then file will be created under Data directory in C drive..You can create a text file that lists the result of a DIR command like this:DIR>Dirlist.txt

What is the word that the windows can't write?

con by m.heg

What has the author Harry M Brelsford written?

Harry M. Brelsford has written: 'Windows 2000 server secrets' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Microsoft Windows server, Operating systems (Computers), Microsoft Windows NT (Computer file) 'Windows 2000 Server a Fondo - Con CD ROM' 'Active Directory Planning and Design'

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