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The center of the Earth is molten.

The core is 6000 kilometers deep, the deepest man has drilled is 12 k.

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Q: Why can't we go to the centre of the earth?
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Why cannot you go to the centre of the earth?

The radius of the earth is more than 6000km,to reach the centre of the earth we have to dig a whole to this depth which is impossible

We cannot go in the centre of the earth?

We cannot go there because if we want to go there we have to dig a hole of 6000km and it is impossible but if we digged it than we were die because of fire and lava it were in centre of the earth.

How does the density change when you go to the centre of the earth?

gets heavier

What is the centre of the earth like?

The centre of the earth is very hot.

What lies at the centre of gravity and earth?

The Earth's Core lies at the centre.

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you cant

When was Return to the Centre of the Earth created?

Return to the Centre of the Earth was created in 1999.

Why did Nicholas Copernicus go to jail?

he went to jail because he said the earth was not the centre of the universe. However in the bible it says that the earth IS the centre of the universe. He was thrown in jail for saying the bible was wrong.

Which cant go around earth the moon sun or a boat or plane?

The sun. The earth orbits the sun, the others all go around the earth.

Why can the heat of the sun go into the thick atmosphere but then cant go out?

there's like a layer, imagine a bubble around the earth, when the heat enters it, it cant get out.

Is it cold in the centre below earth's surface?

No. It is really hot and boiling in the very centre of our Earth.

Distance the moon is from the earth?

The average centre-to-centre distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,403 km