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HIV is not transmitted airborne because the virus is not in the air droplets we breathe out. HIV is transmitted by direct or indirect contact with infected material.

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Q: Why can't you catch AIDS by getting breathed on by an infected person?
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Do not have sex of any type with an infected person. The trick is to know if a person is infected or not. That is why sex outside of a disease free monogamous relationship is risky.

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A person may not catch a disease by messing around with two different people who are not infected,but there are chances of contacting diseases if the persons involved are infected but still in the window period.

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yes/no, if the person has a cut in the mouth and it is blood in the saliva you can get infected

Can someone catch the hiv infection from someone in there household?

it is highly unlikely because if you use the same tooth brush, bath soap, bath rag, even wear the person panties as the infected person; it is a risk of getting the virus

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To get tuberculosis, a person must be exposed to the air exhaled by an infected person for an extended period of time in a confined area.

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aids can be sexually transmitted but you can also catch it from the blood of a person infected by aids (hiv)

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You catch them through skin contact with another person. You can also catch them by sleeping in infected bed sheets (such as a hotel), or you can catch them by trying on clothes at stores (if an infected person has tried on the same clothes).

Can you have aids if you don't use a condom but with a clean partner?

yes, that is the most common method for getting HIV/AIDS

Can you catch shingles from an adult who is infected with shingles?

A person with shingles can pass the virus to anyone who hasn't had chickenpox before. A person who has not had chickenpox can become infected through direct contact with a person who is infected with shingles. After becoming infected, the person will develop chickenpox, but not shingles. The infection can be very serious for people who have a compromised immune system. However, a person with a normal immune system who has already had chickenpox cannot be infected with shingles. If a person has not previously had the chickenpox, it is best to avoid contact with any person who is infected with shingles until the infection has cleared the person completely.

Am I at risk for HIV or hepatitis because an infected person inadvertently spat on me while talking and it got in my eye?

No they are much harder to catch than that.