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My guess is that your body's natural reaction, the fight or flight reaction, is kicking in. Your body naturally resists death.

Or you could mean mentally. If you can't do it mentally, you aren't ready to leave the world yet.

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Q: Why can't you drown yourself?
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it will drown unless it cant

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Yes, it is possible to drown a fish. What you need: An airtight box A fish Yourself Go to a lake, ocean, or place with very deep water. Before you jump in, place the fish in an airtight container with NO WATER. Jump in the water with the airtight container and drown. You will drown with the fish, but yea, who cares.

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You have to drown yourself.

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fish can drown if you poke it in the eye.

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It actually takes very little water to drown, only a tablespoon or so.

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you are a sick twisted freak you know that?oh PS YOU CANT!

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yes. the way that they survive underwater is because they have gills as you probably already know. if they stop swimming then they will drown because it cant get through their gills and out of their body.

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never, if you try and cant, unless your in water..and then you drown if you stop or try.

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Being different is weird? Get off your teeny-bopper a$$ and drown yourself