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Well for starters, you can't feed your petpets anything

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Q: Why can't you feed a Neopet Petpet Floud carrots?
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easy. YOU CANT! you cant even give gifts to your friends on petpet park. sorry :(

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Just buy them there really cheap. Besides you cant use the petpet map unless you have the regular map.

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I made the same mistake you did. The reason you can't is because you must first get all the pieces to the secret laboratory map ( for normal pets ) before you can access the petpet lab. Sorry.

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No you cant. Come back the next day and earn more then.

How do you get to the petpet laboratory in Neopets?

IF you cant find it on neopets go to you should find it there

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Well, if you redeemed 10 prizes today, then you have to wait until the next to use those keys

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you have to have 6acres worth of carrots and manure . you cant divide pastures... if you have 15acres you have to use 15 acres worth of carrot/produce