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Sound requires a medium such as air to travel through. There is no air on the moon or in the space between Earth and the moon, and thus nothing to carry the sound.

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Q: Why can't you hear someone shouting from the moon?
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Why cant we hear each other on the moon?

The Moon has no atmosphere, only vacuum. There is nothing for the sound waves to travel in.

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In a deep valley on Earth a person shouting will hear an echo as the sound is reflected back off the surrounding mountains In a similar valley on the Moon no echo will be heard This is because?

The Moon does not have an atmosphere like the Earth, so the sound waves have no medium through which to travel.

Why cant you hear any sound on moon?

There is nothing to hear in space and on the moon you are too far away to hear anything from earth the scientific reason is that sound moves and bounces to our ears with gravity but because there is no gravity in space it is impossible for sounds to reach us, they simply float away

Why cant you hear on the moon?

Because there's no air or other form of atmosphere. Sound need some sort of medium to travel through.

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you cant you cant you cant

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we canot hear because sound travel in waves. on moon there is no atmosphere

What can you not do on the moon?

you cant breath on the moon, can run fast, talk, walk with out space ger and helment full of oxigen, and cant jump on a trampelen or you mite jump of the moon vary low gravity. there are lots you cant do on the moon.

What the moon can't do?

The moon cant do a lot of things

What phrase is the moon when you cant see it?

A new moon.