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Because believe it or not, you hear from your ears.

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Q: Why can't you hear with your eyes?
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When you make a call you can hear them but that cant hear you?

Yes they can hear you.

Can everyone hear?

Yes, but deaf people cant hear.

Can you sell your eyes?

yes you can. you cant sell your eyes.

Why can you hear better in the rain?

you cant because u hear rain.

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I heard that younger people can hear reallly high pitched noises but when you get older you cant anymore. deaf people cant hear anything

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we can not hear ultra sonic sounds because u can not hear them

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ants definitely have eyes, but cant understand about red eyes.

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Snakes have no ears yet they can hear your footsteps?

they cant hear but they can hear vibrating so they seem to know that its its enimie

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No, if you mute them they cannot hear you.