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Because conservatives are stuck up pansies who think they can protect their kids forever.

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Q: Why can't you say the F word on TV?
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Related questions

What is the two major bad words that are cencored on TV?

!@#$ (the f word) #2 (the s word)

What are TV shows that begin with the letter M and The second Is F?

There's no such word much less a TV show that has M as the first letter & F as the second letter.

Where can one view the Gordon Ramsay TV series The F Word?

One can view the Gordon Ramsay TV series "The F Word" from websites like TV Muse, BBC America, Official TV. One can also purchase the whole series from websites like Amazon and iTunes.

Did Barney curse on TV?

no happy!

How many swear words are in the movie night at the museum?

Try its a great site for things like that :)

What curse word did the cat say in the Arthur episode Bleep?

Good Question. Probably "F" you because she threatened her son to not go to some concert. he says "you cant do this" she says "I can and I have" so "F" you would make sense.

Is the f bomb worse then the n word?

Less people would say the f word

Who do you say the f word in french?


How do you say the f word in spanish?


Is a Flintstones in person or place or thing?

The word 'Flintstones' (capital F) is a word for a person (Fred, Wilma, Pebbles) or a thing (a cartoon, a TV show).The word 'flintstones' (lower case f) is a word for thing as a type of stone used in construction and sometimes used for a type of stone called flint.

What does the f-word stand for?

its a bad word never ever say it

What does f-word stand for?

its a bad word never ever say it